

Company’s Milestones

Expansion of Two Existing Palm Oil Refineries to Double Capacity (Kikambala & Nairobi, Kenya)


Expansion of Two Existing Palm Oil Refineries to Double Capacity (Kikambala & Nairobi, Kenya)

Construction of Green Field 500t/Day Palm Oil Refinery (Vipingo, Kenya)


Construction of Green Field 500t/Day Palm Oil Refinery (Vipingo, Kenya)

Converting large 45m Dia Tanks at KPRL to Crude Oil Tanks for Kenyas First Crude Oil Export Through The Eops (Early Oil Pilot Scheme (KPRL, Mombasa, Kenya)


Converting large 45m Dia Tanks at KPRL to Crude Oil Tanks for Kenyas First Crude Oil Export Through The Eops (Early Oil Pilot Scheme (KPRL, Mombasa, Kenya)

Second Upstream Natural Gas Project (Phase II Gas Processing Facility, Mtwara, Tanzania)


Second Upstream Natural Gas Project (Phase II Gas Processing Facility, Mtwara, Tanzania)

Nairobi And Dar Es Salaam Airport Aircraft Fuel Hydrant Piping System Installations


Nairobi And Dar Es Salaam Airport Aircraft Fuel Hydrant Piping System Installations

Awarded Construction of Largest Tank We Have Built to Date (40m Dia Tank With Aluminium Dome Roof, Mombasa, Kenya)


Awarded Construction of Largest Tank We Have Built to Date (40m Dia Tank With Aluminium Dome Roof, Mombasa, Kenya)

First Project In DRC (Fuel Storage Tank Farms And 33MW Hydro Power Station, Kibali Gold Mine)


First Project In DRC (Fuel Storage Tank Farms And 33MW Hydro Power Station, Kibali Gold Mine)

First Upstream Natural Gas Project (Phase I Gas Processing Facility, Mtwara, Tanzania)


First Upstream Natural Gas Project (Phase I Gas Processing Facility, Mtwara, Tanzania)

First Power Station Project (90MW Rabai, Mombasa)


First Power Station Project (90MW Rabai, Mombasa)

First large Vertical Tank construction (2No x 1,000 m3) for Pwani Oil Products


First large Vertical Tank construction (2No x 1,000 m3) for Pwani Oil Products

Purchased first Mobile Crane (KATO 25T RT)


Purchased first Mobile Crane (KATO 25T RT)

First project in Uganda - complete rehabilitation of Shell LPG plant, Kampala


First project in Uganda - complete rehabilitation of Shell LPG plant, Kampala

First project in Tanzania - new BP rail siding project in Dar es Salaam


First project in Tanzania - new BP rail siding project in Dar es Salaam

First pipeline repair job (Shell Chemicals Dockline at KPA)


First pipeline repair job (Shell Chemicals Dockline at KPA)

Rented Shimanzi yard and put up small shed and office


Rented Shimanzi yard and put up small shed and office

Establishment as a Sole Proprietorship


Establishment as a Sole Proprietorship